Innovative Steps is a private Home & Community based Medicaid Waiver program established in February 2018. Our agency was founded on the common goal of developing an agency that would provide an array of services to all individuals welcomed into the program. Innovative Steps accepted its first client May 1, 2018 and has grown tremendously each year since! Our goal was to not only provide impeccable services to all clients that lived in a Host Home setting but to also establish Residential homes in some of the most well sought-out developing communities in North Texas.
We proudly opened our first Supervised Living Home, Hummingbird Drive on September 1, 2018 in Little Elm, Texas. Throughout the year we continued to accept clients from all walks of life in the program and worked to provide a new and improved method of service delivery. On June 1, 2019 we opened our second home, Cockatiel Drive in Little Elm Texas and a third home Orion McCord on August 1, 2019.
Innovative Steps established its first Day Habilitation program in December 2018 where it served 5-6 individuals. The program continues to grow as we establish more exciting and purpose driven plans for the individuals that attend. Our ultimate goal is to completely immerse ourselves into the community and be part of all aspects that allows our individuals to live, learn and grow….. and have some FUN while doing it!
We strive to be the best in the industry by providing a family-oriented agency where each person KNOWS that they matter. Innovative Steps continues to extend a warm welcome to all families and fights to be strong advocate for all individuals and their families. We welcome any and all information from individuals, families, community members that will help us not only grow but help us in achieving greatness!!